Saturday, March 13, 2010

To Blog or not to Blog Hmmm that is the question

Well sure, no harm in giving it a try is there!
I started to attempt a blog just before we made our jorney to Australia but was not confident enough to actually let my mad ramblings out in to the world wide web.
I think I need to rename it though now as we have been and back again as they say. Home from Australia for 1 year and 1 month and Im fairly happy besides the recession, no money so unhappy with our goverment, health service the list is endless.

Its been a time of remenissing this week, I had a hospital appointment on Monday , as I have a smal lump on the side of my nose they have decided it needs to be removed and sent off for testing and hopefully that will be the end of it. Im not to worried over it now. I will admit I was a little worried and weirded out on the day. just waiting patiently for my next appointment were they will remove the blasted little thing.
Any way on our way home P and I were talking about Australia and all that happened and why he has not heard from some of his old friends. but mainly of what went wrong with our friendship with P very old friend S and his wife. how time can be a healer and how we can see were mistakes were made by both sides but also how we know if by chance we ever see them again it would be a very intresting conversatition. (those that know us will understand what Im talking about, those who dont here is a brief history) we stayed with friends they went off traveling, while they were away we had finichal problems among other things ie having a baby two weeks to leave the country and validate a visa. stress was apart of our every waking moment I still do not know how P managed to take care of our 3 boys and get a passport for our little girl while I was in hospital oh did I mention we had to move house as well get a job and pay loads of bills(what does not kill you makes you stronger) . friends came home with thier own money worries and as they say never mix friendship and money! they thought they could ask (im being nice using ask) for x amount off us and we had a strict time frame to pay it back or else! we thought that was unfair and wrong so arguments galore. leading to more stress and a very unhappy me and P for about 3 months and all after I just had a new baby in a new country. Our friends feel very hard done by and I know they felt used as did we they lied and tripped them selfs up as forgot what they said in the first place. so we walked away wishing them the best as we could seen no even ground. some of it was stupid really when I think about it. Plus it did not help with certain fools carring stories back and making it worse but thats another story and to be honest wont be wrote about as I actually could not care less.

So we came home and its been great to be home with family so close again I felt so guilthy taking the children away especially when I see how they love thier grandparents so much. Even my wee little girl whom I was worried would'nt bond with my family loves them all especially her nanas it is so cute to watch.
She is over a year now and my boys are getting big life goes by so quickly. P has just finished a Fas course and it on a job hunt were we hope he finds one in Ireland. if not will we have to look abroad once more. Its an option I feel we may have to take but at least I am more aware of what to expect now and I will be standing on my own two feet and taking no help from any one well may be a lift some were but no way am I staying with any one again.

looks like I have come to the end as you do.( resisting the urge to add in the dreaded (LOL :) )
This week has ended and a new chapter is about to begin (the search for a JOB) Good luck my honey...
I may come back and write some more tomorrow if you can stand to read my ramblings.


Looking for Blue Sky said...

Yaay, congrats Niamh, great start x

Irish Mammy said...

Well done Niamh, dying to hear more. I hope that test result comes back fast and is totally nothing to worry about. Best of luck P xxx

MummaBear said...

Oh darl what a stressful time that must have been, strange country and your 'friends' being like that :( So sad :(
I didn't realise you were Irish! My sisters partner, Brian, is Irish also :) He is the lovliest person I have ever met. We love him <3 My sister went to Ireland to live with him for a while. Beautiful country!
Keep blogging, I love reading peoples blogs :) I have google reader which keeps me up to date with all my blogs I read (there is about 40) so I will add you to that :D